The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival wishes to contribute to a diverse, inclusive, equal and fair film industry, centered around values of artistic excellence, dynamic film creation, mutual respect, freedom of expression and progress.
In its commitment to promote a safe event free of all forms of violence, the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival does not tolerate any kind of behavior which threatens the dignity or the physical, mental, and/or emotional integrity of others. The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival is fully dedicated to adopting necessary measures to respond to all forms of violence.
General mesures
All participants, guests, jury members, staff, and volunteers, are made aware of this protocol. Any participation in the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival constitutes a de facto agreement to honor said protocol.
The entire Organization is fully aware of this protocol and is tasked with immediately alerting Organization leaders of any form of violent behavior which may take place during the Festival.
Creating space for everyone
Everyone is equal. We respect the self-determination and freedom to be oneself of each individual.
We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or violent behavior
The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival does not tolerate any form of violent or hateful behavior or speech toward any individual based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or cultural, social, ethnic, religious background. This applies to Festival attendees, guests, jury members, volunteers, partners, and employees.
The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment. We believe that all Festival attendees, guests, jury members, volunteers, partners, and employees have the right to enjoy (both in person and online) a space free of, among others:
- Intimidation, bullying, or violence of any form
- Inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome sexual attention
- Unwelcome photography or video recording
- Any form of harassment
- Unsafe behavior at film screenings or other events
We acknowledge and respect the personal boundaries of each individual
No one should be touched without permission. No one should be verbally or physically harassed.
We request heightened vigilance regarding alcohol and narcotic substances use
Because of the nature of the Festival, its professional meetings and networking activities, we ask all our employees, volunteers, staff, and more generally all those participating in the Festival to consume alcohol responsibly and to address excessive alcohol use amongst coworkers. The consumption of alcohol and/or narcotic substances is no excuse for inappropriate behaviour and is the responsibility of the consumer.
Safe spaces are created together
If you are a victim or a witness of harassment, discrimination, or of any other kind of unacceptable behavior, please contact the designated on-site Festival personnel. If your own behavior offends or disturbs others, be prepared to recognize the problem and to modify your conduct.
If you wish to discuss or report an inappropriate situation, please contact the designated Harassment Contact Personnel:
- Calmin Borel / +33 (0)4 73 14 73 32
- Sarah Momesso / +33 (0)4 73 14 73 26
Breach of the Code of conduct
The Festival undertakes to make the necessary arrangements and reserves all rights to bring forward legal charges against any offender of the present Code of Conduct, in the case in which the observed incidents would justify such action and according to their level of gravity.
Support staff
A team specifically trained to provide support in all matters relating to discrimination and violence will be available on-site during the Festival to ensure that the Code of Conduct as well as the anti-discrimination policy are respected throughout the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.
This team is made up of volunteers who can be easily identified by their yellow caps bearing the “Brigade du Kiff” logo. These individuals have been trained and sensitized to recognize acts of violence and provide a safe space for dialogue. They will be on hand throughout the Festival at the Maison de la Culture, La Comédie, and the Short Film Market venues.
A listening and support point is also available in the entrance hall of the Maison de la Culture: if you encounter a problem, whether as a victim or a witness of violence, you can go there to be welcomed safely by members of this brigade.
This support team is here to listen, to discuss, and to advise in a confidential and an initially anonymous manner. At the request of the concerned individual, the support team will inform the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival of the matter and will consult with the concerned individual regarding any potential measures to be taken. The implementation of these measures is the Festival’s responsibility. This service is available to anyone who, during the Festival, is a victim, a witness, or is impacted by discriminatory behavior such as defined by the Festival Code of Conduct.
The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival thanks you for your active assistance and encourages all visitors, guests, jury members, volunteers, partners and staff to alert the support team of any incident involving harmful behavior.
The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival aims to create an environment that encourages respectful and equitable exchanges for all Festival participants and is committed, in the case of any harmful or unwanted behavior, to:
- Respect and protect the privacy and the dignity of those concerned.
- Maintain the confidentiality of all requests or complaints; persons involved in the application of the protocol may not under any circumstance disclose confidential information.
- Act with due diligence and professionalism; ensure that trained professionals are available to apply the protocol.
- Avoid revictimization by unnecessarily recounting the incident or publicly exposing information.
Emergency phone numbers
Under no circumstances can this service replace a consultation with a mental health professional. Public and non-profit resources are available outside of the Festival period at no cost. Calls are anonymous and confidential.
112 / European emergency telephone number
Available in various languages
112 is the standard European Union emergency telephone number. Dial 112 24/7 to reach the fire brigade, medical assistance and the police.
17 / Police
French number
Dial 17 on your phone in case of an emergency involving a car accident, disturbance of the peace, criminal offense, which requires a rapid response to protect individual and/or property.
114 / Emergency number for the deaf or hard of hearing
French number
The emergency number for the deaf or hard of hearing is a unique, national number free of cost and available 24/7 by video call, online chat, SMS or fax.
115 / SAMU social, Domestic violence/care for homeless in winter hotline
French number
The Samu social is a collective of NGOs that assist individuals in need of emergency housing.
3928 / Discrimination support hotline
French number
Whether you are a victim or a witness, calling this number gives you a space to be heard and advice on courses of action available to you when faced situations of discrimination. It can also provide assistance and information in the case of violence or hate speech.
+33 (0)1 48 06 42 41 / SOS Homophobie, homophobic abuse support hotline
French number
SOS homophobie’s support hotline is run by trained listeners who can record testimonies provided and listen to and console victims, as well as providing information about the course of actions available to them. Calls are strictly anonymous. This national telephone hotline allows victims of lesbophobic, gayphobic, biphobic, transphobic or intersexphobic discrimination to find a way out of isolation and obtain the necessary information to take action.
- More info
15 / SAMU
French number
The SAMU is the national emergency organization which provides medical assistance for all medical emergencies.
18 / Fire Brigade Department (pompiers)
French number
Dial 18 on your phone in case of a life-threatening situation (fainting, serious injury, fire, car accident, drowning, flooding, etc.).
197 / Terror/Kidnapping hotline
French number
If an alert is in place and if you have information that may assist investigators, dial 197 (from France only). This number is only accessible when an alert is in place and is free and available 24/7.
3919 / Violences Femmes Info, national domestic abuse and sexual violence hotline
French number
3919 (Violences Femmes Info) is a national support line which assists women that are victims of violence (particularly domestic violence).
- More info (in French)
+33 (0)1 40 35 36 55 / SOS Racisme, racist abuse support online
French number
This telephone number assists victims of threats, violence, or insults of a racist or discriminatory nature. It directly places callers in contact with its legal team during office hours.
- More info (in french)
An evolving code of conduct
We expect all those involved in the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival to contribute to creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.
To fulfill these expectations, we commit to:
adopting necessary policies and procedures;
making sure that the Code of Conduct, as well as related policies and procedures, are reviewed annually to ensure their relevance;
training staff and volunteers in order to create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.