Tuesday 4 > Wednesday 5 February 2025
09:00 – 19:00
Reserved for accredited professionals
Oceania Hotel
82 boulevard François-Mitterrand
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
04 73 14 73 22
Euro Connection is the main platform for the coproduction of short films
The aim of these meetings is to stimulate partnerships between European and international production companies, financiers and broadcasters around short film projects. The next edition will take place on Tuesday February 4 and Wednesday February 5, 2025, and will feature project pitch sessions, informal exchanges between producers and participants, and personalized appointments…
The registration to attend the pitching session of our 2025 edition on Tuesday 4 February 2025 from 09:30 to 13:00 at Oceania Hotel, will be open for producers, distributors and TV buyers or platforms on January 21, 14:00 (CET). Will also be available the Book of projects and producers.
If you would like to meet the project leaders or focus producers at the one-on-one meetings on Wednesday, February 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., you can book an appointment by contacting Laurent Crouzeix.
The 12 projects selected to be pitched at Euro Connection 2025 are :
- Solar Plexus, Daria Zhuravel (Ukraine)
- Madonna Non Grata, Elžbieta Latėnaitė (Lithuania)
- Deep Sea Blue, Hilke Rönnfeldt (Germany)
- Last Night of the Year, Ivana Hucíková (Slovakia)
- My Almost Nothings,Mathilde Lemiesle & Naruna Kaplan de Macedo (France)
- Tokos, Ary Zara (Portugal)
- Like a Motherless Child, George Georgakopoulos (Greece)
- Dandelion, Samira Damato (Malta)
- A (Very) Sad Story, Claudia Cortés Espejo (Belgium)
- It Brings Bad Luck to Carol During Summer, Carina-Gabriela Dașoveanu (Romania)
- Early Pickup, Leon Ristov (North Macedonia)
- Red or Black,Heta Okkonen – Finland
Euro Connection will present for the first time this year 4 XR projects:
- Lalabyrinth, Pedro Harres (Germany)
- Believe me?, Maxime Gilardeau, Benjamin Hoguet (France)
- Presence(s), Mathieu Pradat (France)
- The Mermaid’s Effect, Markéta Magidová (Czech Republic)
Euro Connection focuses on the following areas:
- Scenario consultation (online, mid-December 2024)
- Pitch training workshop (Monday, February 3, 2025)
- Pitch sessions (Tuesday, February 4, 2025)
- Informal discussions between producers and participants
- Personalized one-to-one meetings (Wednesday, February 5, 2025)
150 professionals take part in Euro Connection every year.
In the first 15 editions, 110 films were completed, including 61 international co-productions.
Euro Connection is organized by Sauve Qui Peut le Court Métrage, as part of the Marché du Film Court, in association with the Bureau Europe Créative MEDIA France and the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, and with the support of the MEDIA program and PROCIREP.
Consult the Guide des structures d’aide à la production de courts métrages en Europe published by the Europe Créative MEDIA France office.