- Saturday 17:00Cinéma JaudeJaude 4
- Monday 18:00Cinéma JaudeLumière
- Mercredi 22:00Cinéma JaudeJaude 1
- Thursday 13:00Cinéma JaudeAgnès Varda
- Saturday 21:30Cinéma JaudeJaude 4
Mahdi Boucif, Lucien Beucher
France, Algeria
2024 Documentary 9'32
Sifou and Mahrez are childhood friends. Both are seventeen, both grew up in Sidi Lekbir, Algiers, and both have an older brother who fled to Europe. Lost between the bleak destiny promised by their neighborhood and the uncertainty lurking on the horizon, they ask themselves: Can they break the deadlock?
- ProductionGermain Robin [Ocurens]
- SalesGermain Robin [Ocurens]
- ReferentLucien Beucher
- EditingAntonin Bronès
- CameraJulien Artaud
- Film score composerMax Beucher
- Sound EditingJean-Baptiste Saint-Pol
- Cast / WithMahrez Saci
- Cast / WithAyoub Arbane
- Cast / WithMehdi Benkara
- VoiceSarah Benabdallah
- Sound MixingJean-Baptiste Saint-Pol