- Saturday 17:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonCapitole
- Sunday 19:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonVian
- Monday 15:30Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonJaude 4
- Mardi 10:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonJaude 1
- Mercredi 19:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonVian
- Thursday 14:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonLumière
- Vendredi 21:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonVian
- Saturday 18:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonConchon
Nikola Ilić
2024 Documentary 19'10
This personal short documentary tells the story of a soldier who never wanted to be one. His decision never to pull a trigger led to resistance and ultimately to military prison. Pretending to be mentally ill, he leaves the war zone and returns to Belgrade via the insane asylum. On the day NATO begins bombing the entire country.
- ReferentAndrew Norton [Raina Film Festival Distribution]
- SalesAndrew Norton [Raina Film Festival Distribution]
- ProductionLaruin Merz [ HOOK Film & Kulturproduktion GmbH]
- ScriptNikola Ilić
- Sound designerJan Godde
- Sound designerAleksandar Rančić
- EditingCorina Schwingruber Ilić
- CameraNikola Ilić
- Film score composer To Live For
- CameraCorina Schwingruber Ilić
- VoiceNikola Ilić