- Saturday 15:00Cinéma JaudeJaude 4
- Sunday 19:00Cinéma JaudeAgnès Varda
- Mardi 21:00Cinéma JaudeCapitole
- Vendredi 14:00Cinéma JaudeConchon
- Saturday 18:30Cinéma JaudeJaude 4
Timeea Mohamed Ahmed
2024 Experimental 5'48
When Jafar is detached from his soul in a surreal journey through a forest, he must mentally escape the brutal truths of his homeland's conflict Sudan and the horrors of war and displacement, before it destroys his mind.
- ReferentTimeea Mohamed Ahmed
- SalesBahaa Elgamal [I AM FILM ]
- ProductionTimeea Mohamed Ahmed [Seqcreative Productions]
- ScriptTimeea Mohamed Ahmed
- Sound designerFaris Hamid
- Cast / WithJafar Amin
- EditingTimeea Mohamed Ahmed
- CameraBrahim Ahmed
- Film score composerFaris Hamid
- Special effectsHadie Bkhite
- Sound EditingFaris Hamid
- Sound MixingFaris Hamid
- Cast / WithHabeeb Allah Lokain