- Saturday 18:00Cinéma Le CapitoleLumière
- Sunday 19:00Cinéma Le CapitoleCocteau
- Monday 17:00Cinéma Le CapitoleHorizon
- Mardi 10:00Cinéma Le CapitoleAgnès Varda
- Mercredi 15:30Cinéma Le CapitoleJaude 4
- Thursday 21:00Cinéma Le CapitoleCapitole
- Vendredi 14:00Cinéma Le CapitoleCocteau
- Saturday 19:00Cinéma Le CapitoleCapitole
Zoé Cauwet
2024 Fiction 27'9
It's a hot day, as is often the case in Ouagadougou. It's also a very special day for this group of women. A long-awaited getaway, a moment of discovery and a break from the hustle and bustle of the world and their lives.
- ProductionJoséphine Mourlaque [Mabel Films]
- ReferentJoséphine Mourlaque [Mabel Films]
- ProductionAntoine Salomé [Mabel Films]
- SalesMélusine Delmouly [Mabel Films]
- ScriptZoé Cauwet
- EditingZoé Cauwet
- EditingJulie Borvon
- CameraVictor Zébo
- Sound EditingAgathe Poche
- Sound designerSaoussen Tatah
- Sound MixingPaul Jousselin
- Cast / WithAbi Sella Ouattara
- Cast / WithClémentine Kaboré
- Cast / WithAïcha Compaoré
- Cast / WithAminata Pourié Zagré Ouédraogo
- Cast / WithAdama Belem
- Cast / WithPauline Ilboudou