- Samedi 20h00Maison de la cultureLumière
- Dimanche 13h00Maison de la cultureAgnès Varda
- Lundi 11h30Maison de la cultureCocteau
- Mardi 09h30Maison de la cultureJaude 4
- Mercredi 15h00Maison de la cultureAgnès Varda
- Jeudi 20h00Maison de la cultureLumière
- Vendredi 19h00Maison de la cultureVian
- Samedi 11h30Maison de la cultureCocteau
Abdelrahman Dnewar
Egypt, France, Germany
2024 Animation 14'57
This autofiction animation film explores the complexities of a past shared by two identical twins: Omar and Wesam. A split narrative retells the two sides of their memories – from the instant they were fused together in their mother’s womb to the moment they are parted by the tragic death of one of them. A fragmented world of memories and dreams emerges, blurring the lines between reality and fiction, present and past, Omar and Wesam.
- ProductionLucas Tothe
- ReferentLucas Tothe
- SalesLucas Tothe
- DirectorSaad Dnewar
- ProductionAbdallah Dnewar
- ProductionJessica Arfuso
- ProductionHesham Marold
- ScriptSaad Dnewar
- ScriptAbdelrahman Dnewar
- AnimationAbdelrahman Dnewar
- CameraKarim Marold
- Film score composerSelim El Sadek
- VoiceKarim Elessawy
- VoiceHind Usf
- VoiceOmar Aly Osmar
- Sound EditingRoman Strack
- Sound MixingMatthias Lempert
- AnimationSaad Dnewar
- EditingYasser Azmy