- Saturday 19:00Cinéma JaudeCocteau
- Sunday 18:00Cinéma JaudeJaude 1
- Monday 12:00Cinéma JaudeHorizon
- Mardi 19:00Cinéma JaudeCapitole
- Mercredi 13:00Cinéma JaudeCapitole
- Thursday 16:30Cinéma JaudeCocteau
- Vendredi 10:00Cinéma JaudeAgnès Varda
- Saturday 09:30Cinéma JaudeJaude 4
Lili Cazals
2024 Fiction 12'50
José, a 10 year-old girl, is slowly reaching her teenage years. Her mother, Gloria, who has been distant until now, drags her away from the football pitch to take her for some shopping at a mall for the first time.
- ProductionAdèle Galliot [Tchik Tchik Productions]
- ReferentAdèle Galliot [Tchik Tchik Productions]
- SalesAdèle Galliot [Tchik Tchik Productions]
- ProductionPierre-Yves Lenoir [Les Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon]
- ProductionFlorian Séjourné [Tchik Tchik Productions]
- SalesFlorian Séjourné [Tchik Tchik Productions]
- ScriptLili Cazals
- ScriptJosephine Brun
- Sound designerTiphaine Depret
- Sound designerZélia Leroux Harchaghe
- Cast / WithEuphémia Vitte
- Cast / WithLison Chabert
- EditingHugo Pichon Martin
- CameraGrégoire Delattre
- Sound EditingZélia Leroux Harchaghe
- Sound MixingTiphaine Depret
- Screenplay adapted fromMarcos Caramès-Blanco