• Sunday 20:00La JetéeLa Jetée
  • Monday 14:00Cité Universitaire DoletLumière
  • Thursday 20:00Espace Multimedia Georges ConchonConchon
Sunday Lunch
Céline Devaux
2015 Animation 13'47
It's Sunday. At lunch, Jean observes his family. They ask him questions, but don't listen to his answers; they give him advice but don't follow it; they fawn over him and smack him, but that's normal, it's Sunday lunch.
J’aurais pu être une pute
Baya Kasmi
2010 Fiction 24'
Mina has a panic attack and literally falls into Pierre's arms at the checkout of a DIY store. This is the story of a girl who is slightly mad, a guy who is too normal, a pair of giant pruning shears and an old piano teacher.
Hobbies – Bike Life
Julien Guetta
2020 Documentary 14'49
Yanis, aka "Sinay", 16, lives in the rough area of Saint-Denis, with his mother and his three Rottweilers. As often as he can, he rides his BMX bike with his gang of other kids his age from all backgrounds. Sometimes they're 30, sometimes 200 and they ride together across Paris, with no other aim than…
Lumières fossiles
Lise Fischer
2015 Fiction, Experimental 15'
In the Pyrénées-Orientales mountains, Jacqueline, 85, retreads the paths leading to the Canigou Peak. She bears testimony to a past that gradually suffuses the landscape.